oppressive 英 [əˈpresɪv]   美 [əˈprɛsɪv]


oppressive  英 [əˈpresɪv] 美 [əˈprɛsɪv]

adj. 压迫的;沉重的;压制性的;难以忍受的 

But I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy. 但我也知道,我们不必在混乱、无情的资本主义和压制性的国营经济体制之间作出选择。
For millions of ordinary men and women, it has meant famine, hardship, torture, forced labour, a broken economy and a monstrously oppressive state. 对于成百万的普通男人和女人,它意味着饥荒、苦难、酷刑、强迫劳动、破产的经济和充满压迫的国家。

  • Think of something crushing you, and you will understand what oppressive is. It can be something that crushes your spirit, like a bad relationship, or something that crushes you with its tyranny, like the oppressive rule of a dictator.
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  • adj. 压迫的;沉重的;压制性的;难以忍受的
  • 1. But I also know that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy.


  • 2. For millions of ordinary men and women, it has meant famine, hardship, torture, forced labour, a broken economy and a monstrously oppressive state.


  • 3. The British had regarded jury trials as a potential bulwark against oppressive actions by the king, but there was a more pragmatic reason for retaining trial by jury.


  • oppressive (adj.) 1640s, from Medieval Latin oppressivus, from oppress-, past participle stem of opprimere (see oppress). Related: Oppressively; oppressiveness.
op·pres·sive / əˈpresɪv ; NAmE əˈpresɪv / adjective 1 treating people in a cruel and unfair way and not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people 压迫的;压制的;高压的 oppressive laws 对部份人的压制性法律 an oppressive regime 残暴的政权 2 (of the weather 天气 ) extremely hot and unpleasant and lacking fresh air 闷热的;令人窒息的 SYN stifling oppressive heat 难熬的酷暑 3 making you feel unhappy and anxious 令人苦恼的;令人焦虑的 SYN stifling an oppressive relationship 令人苦恼的关系 op·pres·sive·ly / əˈpresɪvli ; NAmE əˈpresɪvli / adverb to behave oppressively 表现得盛气凌人 oppressively hot 热得令人窒息 He suffered from an oppressively dominant mother. 他那武断专横的母亲令他苦不堪言。 op·pres·sive / əˈpresɪv ; NAmE əˈpresɪv / op·pres·sive·ly / əˈpresɪvli ; NAmE əˈpresɪvli /
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