opportune 英 [ˈɒpətju:n]   美 [ˌɑpərˈtun]


opportune  英 [ˈɒpətju:n] 美 [ˌɑpərˈtun]

adj. 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的 

And it comes at an opportune moment — scientists have vastly more data than theories to describe it. 而且,它出现在一个适当的时机——科学家们拥有的数据远远多于理论所不能描述的数据。
Deferring disk writes to a more opportune time can greatly improve application throughput, but it needs to be done in a manner that doesn't compromise data integrity. 将磁盘写入延迟到比较适宜的时间可能会大大改善应用程序的吞吐量,但是,需要采用不损害数据完整性的方式执行。

  • Use the adjective opportune to describe especially good timing. A snowstorm is an opportune time to make extra money shoveling your neighbor's driveway.
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  • adj. 适当的;恰好的;合时宜的
  • 1. And it comes at an opportune moment — scientists have vastly more data than theories to describe it.


  • 2. Deferring disk writes to a more opportune time can greatly improve application throughput, but it needs to be done in a manner that doesn't compromise data integrity.


  • 3. This screening is especially opportune before marriage or pregnancy, allowing couples to discuss the health of their family.


  • opportune (adj.) c. 1400, from Old French opportun and directly from Latin opportunus "fit, convenient, suitable, favorable," from the phrase ob portum veniens "coming toward a port," in reference to the wind, from ob "in front of; toward" (see ob-) + portus "harbor" (see port (n.1)). Related: Opportunely.
op·por·tune / ˈɒpətjuːn ; NAmE ˌɑːpərˈtuːn / adjective ( formal) 1 (of a time 时间 ) suitable for doing a particular thing, so that it is likely to be successful 恰巧的;适当的;恰当的 SYN favourable The offer could not have come at a more opportune moment. 那个建议提得正是时候。 2 (of an action or event 行动或事情 ) done or happening at the right time to be successful 及时的;适时的 an opportune remark 适时的言辞 OPP inopportune op·por·tune·ly / ˈɒpətjuːnli ; NAmE ˌɑːpərˈtuːnli / adverb op·por·tune / ˈɒpətjuːn ; NAmE ˌɑːpərˈtuːn / op·por·tune·ly / ˈɒpətjuːnli ; NAmE ˌɑːpərˈtuːnli /
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