open-door 英 ['əʊpənˌdɔ:]   美 ['oʊpənˌdoʊr]


open-door  英 ['əʊpənˌdɔ:] 美 ['oʊpənˌdoʊr]

adj. 公开的;门户开放的 


In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation's three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees. 在1994 年,克林顿总统突然地停止对的三十年公开的古巴难民政策。
For as timid and unsure of himself that Yao looks on the offensive end, it’s on defense where he is truly lacking, no more than an open-door that invites penetration. 由于姚明在进攻端对自己的状态不确定和看上去有点怯懦,使得他在防守端也会迷失一样,不再像敞开大门一样让对手轻松渗透进来。

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  • adj. 公开的;门户开放的
  • 1. In 1994, President Clinton abruptly halted the nation's three-decade open-door policy for Cuban refugees.

    在1994 年,克林顿总统突然地停止对的三十年公开的古巴难民政策。

  • 2. For as timid and unsure of himself that Yao looks on the offensive end, it’s on defense where he is truly lacking, no more than an open-door that invites penetration.


  • 3. The company held an open-door event in 2001 where the public could meet its employees and go behind the scenes to see its cooking process, the quality of its food, and its use of local products.

    2001年,麦当劳举行 了一场向公众开放的活动,人们可以去见麦当劳的员工,参观食物的烹制过程,检查食物的质量,使用的当地产品等等。

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