oo [,u'ɝ]  


oo  [,u'ɝ]

abbr. 面向对象程式设计(Object Oriented);已订购而尚未交货的(on order) 


I also mention in my book that when we use the oo paradigm it is not easy to represent graphically at all times where our application is. 在书中我还提到,当我们使用OO范式的时候,要在 任何时间图形化地表示出我们的应用程序在哪里并不容易。
If you constructed Work Order as an oo application, these software objects would contain all the necessary business rules and would understand the business processes that should be followed. 如果您将工作订单构造为一个 OO 应用程序,这些软件对象将包含所有必需的业务规则,并且理解应该遵循的业务流程。

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  • abbr. 面向对象程式设计(Object Oriented);已订购而尚未交货的(on order)
  • 1. I also mention in my book that when we use the oo paradigm it is not easy to represent graphically at all times where our application is.

    在书中我还提到,当我们使用OO范式的时候,要在 任何时间图形化地表示出我们的应用程序在哪里并不容易。

  • 2. If you constructed Work Order as an oo application, these software objects would contain all the necessary business rules and would understand the business processes that should be followed.

    如果您将工作订单构造为一个 OO 应用程序,这些软件对象将包含所有必需的业务规则,并且理解应该遵循的业务流程。

  • 3. In oo systems, though, even objects that you think of as passive have responsibilities and operations defined on them.

    而在 OO系统里,即使被认为是被动的对象也有定义于其上的职责和操作。

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