one 英 [wʌn]   美 [wʌn]


one  英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn]

pron. 一个  n.  


Do you want one or two?  你要一个还是两个?
It cost one hundred pounds.  那东西花了一百英镑。

  • One refers to a single person or thing, as well as the number one. If you’re looking for a whole number between zero and two, you can only find one.
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  • pron. 一个
  • n.
  • 1. Do you want one or two?


  • 2. It cost one hundred pounds.


  • 3. There's only one thing we can do.


one / wʌn ; NAmE wʌn / number , determiner , pronoun one ones number , determiner 1 the number 1 Do you want one or two? 你要一个还是两个? There's only room for one person. 空间只能容一个人。 One more, please! 请再来一个! a one-bedroomed apartment 一卧室的公寓房 I'll see you at one (= one o'clock). 我一点钟见你。 2 used in formal language or for emphasis before hundred, thousand,etc, or before a unit of measurement (正式用语或表示强调,用在 hundred、thousand 等或度量单位之前)一 It cost one hundred and fifty pounds. 那东西花了一百五十英镑。 He lost by less than one second. 他以不到一秒钟的差距输了比赛。 3 used for emphasis to mean ‘a single’ or ‘just one’ (表示强调)单独一个,仅仅一个 There's only one thing we can do. 我们能做的只有一件事。 4 a person or thing, especially when they are part of a group (尤指一组中的)一个人,一件事物 One of my friends lives in Brighton. 我有一个朋友住在布莱顿。 One place I'd really like to visit is Bali. 我真正想去看的一个地方就是巴厘岛。 5 used for emphasis to mean ‘the only one’ or ‘the most important one’ (表示强调)唯一的一个,最重要的一个 He's the one person I can trust. 他是我唯一可以信赖的人。 Her one concern was for the health of her baby. 她唯一操心的就是孩子的健康。 It's the one thing I can't stand about him. 这是我最不能容忍他的一件事。 6 used when you are talking about a time in the past or the future, without actually saying which one (用于一般地谈论过去或将来的某个时间) I saw her one afternoon last week. 我在上周的一个下午见到了她。 One day (= at some time in the future)you'll understand. 总有一天你会明白的。 7 the same 同一个 They all went off in one direction. 他们都朝同一个方向走了。 8 ( informal) ( especially NAmE) used for emphasis instead of aor an (代替 a 或 an,表示强调) That was one hell of a game! 那一场比赛简直一塌糊涂! She's one snappy dresser. 她的穿着很入时。 9 used with a person's name to show that the speaker does not know the person (与人名连用,表示说话人不认识的人)某一个 SYN a certain He worked as an assistant to one Mr Ming. 他给一位明先生当助手。 IDIOMS as ˈone ( formal) in agreement; all together 一致;一齐 We spoke as one on this matter. 在这个问题上我们口径一致。 (be) at ˈone (with sb/sth) ( formal) to feel that you completely agree with sb/sth, or that you are part of sth 完全一致;是…的一部份 a place where you can feel at one with nature 一个能让你感到与大自然融为一体的地方 for ˈone used to emphasize that a particular person does sth and that you believe other people do too 就是其中之一(表达意见时用以加强语气) I, for one, would prefer to postpone the meeting. 主张推迟会期的,我就是当中一人。 get sth in ˈone to understand or guess sth immediately 立即明白(或猜到) get one ˈover (on) sb/sth ( informal) to get an advantage over sb/sth 占上风;胜过;占优势 I'm not going to let them get one over on me! 我决不让他们胜过我! go one ˈbetter (than sb/sth) to do sth better than sb else or than you have done before 胜人一筹;(比自己过去)做得更好 SYN outdo She did well this year and next year she hopes to go one better. 今年她干得不错,她希望明年更上一层楼。 in ˈone used to say that sb/sth has different roles, contains different things or is used for different purposes 集于一身(或一体);多功能;多用途 She's a mother and company director in one. 她既是母亲又是公司董事。 It's a public relations office, a press office and a private office all in one. 那儿既是公关办公室,也是新闻办公室,又是私人办公室:三位一体。 see also all-in-one ˌone after aˈnother/the ˈother first one person or thing, and then another, and then another, up to any number or amount 一个接一个地;陆续地;络绎不绝地 The bills kept coming in, one after another. 账单纷至沓来。 ˌone and ˈall ( old-fashioned, informal) everyone 各位;大家;每个人 Happy New Year to one and all! 祝各位新年快乐! ˌone and ˈonly used to emphasize that sb is famous 绝无仅有的;唯一的;有名的 Here he is, the one and only Van Morrison! 他来了,这盖世无双的范 · 莫里森! ˌone and the ˈsame used for emphasis to mean ‘the same’ (表示强调)同一个 I never realized Ruth Rendell and Barbara Vine were one and the same (= the same person using two different names). 我从未意识到鲁思 · 兰德尔和芭芭拉 · 瓦因原来是同一个人。 ˌone by ˈone separately and in order 逐个地;逐一地 I went through the items on the list one by one. 我逐条看了清单上的条目。 ˌone or ˈtwo a few 一些;一二 We've had one or two problems—nothing serious. 我们有一些问题,不过没什么大不了的。 ˌone ˈup (on sb) having an advantage over sb 略胜一筹;强过别人 when you've seen, heard, etc. ˈone, you've seen, heard, etc. them ˈall ( saying) used to say that all types of the things mentioned are very similar 所有的…都大同小异;知其一便知其全部 I don't like science fiction novels much. When you've read one, you've read them all. 我不太喜欢科幻小说。读过一本,就知道其他的内容了。 more at all pron. , minority , square n. pronoun 1 used to avoid repeating a noun, when you are referring to sb/sth that has already been mentioned, or that the person you are speaking to knows about (用来避免重复已提过的或是听者已知的事物的名称) I'd like an ice cream. Are you having one, too? 我想买份冰淇淋,你也要一份吗? Our car's always breaking down. But we're getting a new one soon. 我们的汽车老出毛病,但我们快要买新的了。 She was wearing her new dress, the red one. 她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。 My favourite band? Oh, that's a hard one (= a hard question). 我最喜爱的乐队?哦,这可就难说了。 What made you choose the one rather than the other? 你怎么选了这个而不是那个? ( BrE) How about those ones over there? 你看那边那些怎么样? 2 used when you are identifying the person or thing you are talking about (用于辨别所谈的人或事) Our house is the one next to the school. 我家的房子就是学校旁边的那座。 The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. 成绩最好的学生往往是出全勤的那些。 3 oneof a person or thing belonging to a particular group 其中的一个人(或事物) It's a present for one of my children. 这是送给我的一个孩子的礼物。 We think of you as one of the family. 我们把你看作家中的一员。 4 a person of the type mentioned (某类人中的)一个 10 o'clock is too late for the little ones. 十点钟对那些小家伙来说就太晚了。 He ached to be home with his loved ones. 他渴望着回家与亲人团聚。 oneto do sth She was never one to criticize. 她是个从不爱批评人的人。 5 ( formal) used to mean ‘people in general’ or ‘I’, when the speaker is referring to himself or herself 人们;本人 One should never criticize if one is not sure of one's facts. 一个人如果对自己掌握的事实没有把握,就绝不该随便批评。 One gets the impression that they disapprove. 据本人观察,他们不赞成。 HELP  This use of oneis very formal and now sounds old-fashioned. It is much more usual to use youfor ‘people in general’ and Iwhen you are talking about yourself. *one 的这一用法颇为正式,现在听起来过时了。现在更常用 you 指一般人,用 I 指自己。 6 a ˈone ( old-fashioned) ( especially BrE) a person whose behaviour is amusing or surprising (举止)有趣的人,令人惊奇的人 Oh, you are a one! 哈!你这个活宝! 7 the oneabout sth the joke 玩笑;笑话 Have you heard the one about the Englishman, the Irishman and the Scotsman? 你听没听过那个关于英格兰人、爱尔兰人和苏格兰人的笑话? IDIOM be (a) one for (doing) sth to be a person who enjoys sth, or who does sth often or well 乐于(或长于)做某事的人 I've never been a great one for fish and chips. 我从来不是个好吃炸鱼和薯条的人。 GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 one / ones One/ onesis used to avoid repeating a countable noun, but there are some times when you should not use it, especially in formal speech or writing *one / ones 用以避免重复可数名词;但有时候,尤其在正式谈话或书面语中,不应使用: After a possessive ( my, your, Mary’s,etc.), some, any, bothor a number, unless it is used with an adjective 在物主代词(如 my、your、Mary's 等)、some、any、both 或数字之后不用 one / ones,除非与形容词连用: ‘Did you get any postcards?’ ‘Yes, I bought four nice ones.’ “你买明信片了吗?” “买了,我买了四张很精美的。” I bought four ones. It can be left out after superlatives, this, that, these, those, either, neither, another, which,etc 在形容词最高级、this、that、these、those、either、neither、another、which 等词后可省略 one / ones: ‘Here are the designs. Which (one) do you prefer?’ ‘I think that (one) looks the most original.’ “图样在这里。你喜欢哪一张?” “我认为那张看上去最有创意。” These onesand those onesare not used in NAmE,and are unusual in BrE 美式英语中不用 these ones 和 those ones,英式英语也很少用: Do you prefer these designs or those? 你喜欢这些图样还是那些? It is never used to replace uncountable nouns and is unusual with abstract countable nouns *one / ones 不用以取代不可数名词,与抽象可数名词连用也很少见: The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system, is better than …as the English one. 用 The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system (苏格兰法制与英格兰法制不同)胜于用 ... as the English one。 one / wʌn ; NAmE wʌn /
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