offsetting ['ɔ:fsetiŋ;'ɔ:f,setiŋ]  


offsetting  ['ɔ:fsetiŋ;'ɔ:f,setiŋ]

n. 位移;位移指线路;斜率,不均匀性  v. 抵消;弥补(offset的ing形式) 


Second, and offsetting the first effect, once the new rules are in place the benefits from having fewer crises are big. 第二是,一旦实施新的法规,危机就会减少,从中获得的巨大回报就可以抵消第一点影响。
Nevertheless, there is some concern that growing inflationary expectations might result in rising long-term interest rates, offsetting the benefits of the stimulus. 不过,有些人担心,不断增长的通胀预期可能导致长期利率的上升,这样就抵消了刺激方案带来的正面效应。

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  • n. 位移;位移指线路;斜率,不均匀性
  • v. 抵消;弥补(offset的ing形式)
  • 1. Second, and offsetting the first effect, once the new rules are in place the benefits from having fewer crises are big.


  • 2. Nevertheless, there is some concern that growing inflationary expectations might result in rising long-term interest rates, offsetting the benefits of the stimulus.


  • 3. Of course at costs of up to $500 a ton [for carbon air capture], I think we'd see that even as indulgences, offsetting has its limits, ” he added.

    当然了,(碳空气捕捉)的成本高达500美元一吨,我认为我们甚至会把它看成赎罪券,而且抵消也是有限度的。” 他补充道。

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