offensively [ə'fɛnsɪvli]  


offensively  [ə'fɛnsɪvli]

adv. 冒犯地;讨厌地 

While there are good defensive players, one person can’t carry a defense the same way a player can carry a team offensively. 即使一支球队有好的防守球员,但是一个人不能像承担一支球队的进攻任务一样承担起这个球队的防守。
Put even more bluntly (and perhaps offensively to some), if your ideal male partner is a “10, ” on a scale of 1-10, you want to make sure you’re a “10″ as well. 甚至更坦率地说(或许对某些人来说有冒犯之意),如果在1到10之间取分,你的理想男伴得分为10,你就要确保你的得分也是10。

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  • adv. 冒犯地;讨厌地
  • 1. While there are good defensive players, one person can’t carry a defense the same way a player can carry a team offensively.


  • 2. Put even more bluntly (and perhaps offensively to some), if your ideal male partner is a “10, ” on a scale of 1-10, you want to make sure you’re a “10″ as well.


  • 3. A “safer” financial system leaves ample scope for pay packages that most people will rightly regard as offensively inflated.


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