odds and ends  

odds and ends

odds and ends 

phrase. 零星物品,零碎东西 

名词复数:odds and endss 

Then bags of vegetables. Finally a mattress, clothing and odds and ends from his bare one-room flat. 先是一部《古兰经》,然后是几袋蔬菜,最后是床垫、衣服以及那间一居室公寓中剩下的其他零碎物品。
What about those clear plastic salad tubs… they’d work great to fit miscellaneous little bags of spices and other odds and ends around the kitchen. 而那些干净的色拉盘又能用来做什么呢? 这些色拉盘用来装不同种类的小包调味料和厨房里其他零碎的东西很不错哦。

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  • phrase. 零星物品,零碎东西
  • 1. Then bags of vegetables. Finally a mattress, clothing and odds and ends from his bare one-room flat.


  • 2. What about those clear plastic salad tubs… they’d work great to fit miscellaneous little bags of spices and other odds and ends around the kitchen.

    而那些干净的色拉盘又能用来做什么呢? 这些色拉盘用来装不同种类的小包调味料和厨房里其他零碎的东西很不错哦。

  • 3. When I first started drawing, I drew things that possessed a strange beauty for me: my guitar, odds and ends of every day life, and my favorite, snapshots I’d taken with our digital camera.


ˌodds and ˈends / ; NAmE / ( BrE also ˌodds and ˈsods ) noun [plural ] ( informal) small items that are not valuable or are not part of a larger set 零碎;琐碎的东西;小玩意 She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends. 她花一天工夫整理装满小玩意儿的箱子。 I've got a few odds and ends (= small jobs)to do before leaving. 我临行之前还有些杂事要处理。 ˌodds and ˈends / ; NAmE /
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