- Something obvious is plain to see and easily understandable. It was obvious that you didn't enjoy your meal because I found it rolled in a napkin and shoved under the rug.
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- adj. 明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的
1. He agreed with obvious pleasure.
2. For obvious reasons,I'd prefer not to give my name.
3. She was the obvious choice for the job.
4. The ending was pretty obvious.
- obvious (adj.) 1580s, "frequently met with," from Latin obvius "that is in the way, presenting itself readily, open, exposed, commonplace," from obviam (adv.) "in the way," from ob "in front of, against" (see ob-) + viam, accusative of via "way" (see via). Meaning "plain to see, evident" is first recorded 1630s. Related: Obviously; obviousness.
ob·vi·ous ★ AWL / ˈɒbviəs ; NAmE ˈɑːbviəs / adjective 1 ★ obvious(to sb) (that…) easy to see or understand 明显的;显然的;易理解的 SYN clear ◆ It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. 人人一看便知那个孩子受过虐待。 ◆ It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong. 根据她所说的,显然是出问题了。 ◆ I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. 我知道你不喜欢她,但尽量别表现得那么明显。 ◆ He agreed with obvious pleasure. 他同意了,显然很高兴。 ◆ For obvious reasons,I'd prefer not to give my name. 因为显而易见的原因,我不愿披露自己的姓名。 ◆ The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious. 暂时还不清楚是基于什么原因而有此决定。 ☞synonyms at clear 2 ★ that most people would think of or agree to 公认的;当然的 ◆ She was the obvious choice for the job. 她是这一工作的当然人选。 ◆ There's no obvious solution to the problem. 这个问题尚无公认的解决办法。 ◆ This seemed the most obvious thing to do. 这似乎是最顺理成章的做法。 3 ★ ( disapproving) not interesting, new or showing imagination; unnecessary because it is clear to everyone 平淡无奇的;无创意的;因显而易见而不必要的 ◆ The ending was pretty obvious. 结尾十分平淡。 ◆ I may be stating the obviousbut without more money the project cannot survive. 我这话可能多余,但是不投入更多资金,项目就难以为继。 ▶ ob·vi·ous·ness / ˈɒbviəsnəs ; NAmE ˈɑːbviəsnəs / noun [uncountable ] ob·vi·ous / ˈɒbviəs ; NAmE ˈɑːbviəs / ob·vi·ous·ness / ˈɒbviəsnəs ; NAmE ˈɑːbviəsnəs /
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