obscenely [əb'si:nli]  


obscenely  [əb'si:nli]

adv. 下流地;淫秽地 

British primary schooling, in contrast, turns out thousands upon thousands without elementary reading or numerical skills, kids condemned to failure at an obscenely early age. 相比之下,英国的初级学校有许多甚至没有教授基本的阅读和数学技巧,以至于孩子们在很小的时候就注定了失败。
Yet, companies have had no choice but to run these obscenely expensive and highly inefficient networks. 但是公司门又别无选择,只能运行这些高投入、低效率的 网络。

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  • adv. 下流地;淫秽地
  • 1. British primary schooling, in contrast, turns out thousands upon thousands without elementary reading or numerical skills, kids condemned to failure at an obscenely early age.


  • 2. Yet, companies have had no choice but to run these obscenely expensive and highly inefficient networks.

    但是公司门又别无选择,只能运行这些高投入、低效率的 网络。

  • 3. Russia's rich have gotten richer, often obscenely so. But the poor are doing better too: workers' salaries have more than doubled since 2003.


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