obliquely [ə'bli:kly,-'blai-]  


obliquely  [ə'bli:kly,-'blai-]

adv. 倾斜地;转弯抹角地 

"In The Folding Star and The Spell, " he says, "Aids is dealt with very obliquely, marginally. “在《折叠的星星》与《咒语》这两部小说中,”他说,“艾滋病是以一种拐弯抹角、边缘化的方式处理的。
Only once, and then obliquely, were the uncounted mass of Iraqi dead referred to, when the archbishop prayed for "those whose memory we cherish, and those whose names we will never know". 大主教只有一次、而且是拐弯抹角地提到了不可胜数的死去的伊拉克人,他为“那些受我们怀念的人,以及那些我们永远都不知道名字的人”做了祈祷。

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  • adv. 倾斜地;转弯抹角地
  • 1. "In The Folding Star and The Spell, " he says, "Aids is dealt with very obliquely, marginally.


  • 2. Only once, and then obliquely, were the uncounted mass of Iraqi dead referred to, when the archbishop prayed for "those whose memory we cherish, and those whose names we will never know".


  • 3. People talked about it obliquely.


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