obediently [əu'bi:diəntli]  


obediently  [əu'bi:diəntli]

adv. 顺从地;服从地;忠顺地 

“Ochay, ” he says obediently. “好吧。” 他顺从地说。
The shuffling victims, knowing what they must do, kneel down obediently in a line in front of a shallow pit. 那些步履缓慢的受害人,已经知道他们的命运,面对浅坑顺从地排成一行,双膝跪地。

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  • adv. 顺从地;服从地;忠顺地
  • 1. “Ochay, ” he says obediently.

    “好吧。” 他顺从地说。

  • 2. The shuffling victims, knowing what they must do, kneel down obediently in a line in front of a shallow pit.


  • 3. As Gandhi saw it, Western political philosophy obediently validated the world of industrial capitalism.


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