- A nurse is a trained healthcare worker who takes care of sick people. To nurse is to take care of, like if you nurse a baby bird back to health.
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- v. 看护,护理;
- n. 护士;
1. a qualified/registered nurse
2. student nurses
3. a male nurse
4. a dental nurse (= one who helps a dentist)
5. Nurse Bennett
6. She nursed her daughter back to health.
7. She was nursing her hurt pride.
8. He sat nursing his cup of coffee.
9. a nursing mother
- nurse (n.1) 12c., nurrice "wet-nurse, foster-mother to a young child" (modern form from late 14c.), from Old French norrice "foster-mother, wet-nurse, nanny" (source of proper name Norris), from Late Latin *nutricia "nurse, governess, tutoress," noun use of fem. of Latin nutricius "that suckles, nourishes," from nutrix (genitive nutricis) "wet-nurse," from nutrire "to suckle" (see nourish). Meaning "person who takes care of sick" in English first recorded 1580s.
- nurse (n.2) "dogfish, shark," late 15c., of unknown origin.
- nurse (v.) 1530s, "to suckle (an infant);" 1520s in the passive sense, "to bring up" (a child); alteration of Middle English nurshen (13c.; see nourish), Sense of "take care of (a sick person)" is first recorded 1736. Related: Nursed; nursing.
nurse ★ / nɜːs ; NAmE nɜːrs / noun , verb nurse nurses nursed nursing noun ★ 1 ★ a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital 护士 ◆ a qualified/registered nurse 合格的╱注册护士 ◆ student nurses 实习护士 ◆ a male nurse 男护士 ◆ a dental nurse (= one who helps a dentist) 牙科护士 ◆ a psychiatric nurse (= one who works in a hospital for people with mental illnesses) 精神病医院的护士 ◆ Nurse Bennett 贝内特护士 ◆ Nurse, come quickly! 护士,快过来! ☞see also charge nurse , district nurse , practical nurse , registered nurse , staff nurse ☞note at gender 2 ( also nurse·maid ) ( old-fashioned) (in the past) a woman or girl whose job was to take care of babies or small children in their own homes (旧时雇主家中的)女保育员,保母,女仆 ☞see also nursery nurse , wet nurse verb 1 [transitive ] nursesb to care for sb who is ill/sick or injured 看护,照料(病人或伤者) ◆ He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients. 他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。 ◆ She nursedher daughter back to health. 她照料女儿恢复了健康。 2 [transitive ] nursesth to take care of an injury or illness 调治,调养(伤病) ◆ Several weeks after the match, he was still nursing a shoulder injury. 比赛过去几个星期了,他仍在疗养肩伤。 ◆ You'd better go to bed and nurse that cold. 你最好上床睡觉,把感冒治好。 ◆ ( figurative) She was nursing her hurt pride. 她的自尊受挫,正在慢慢恢复。 ☞ collocationsat ill 3 [transitive ] nursesth ( formal) to have a strong feeling or idea in your mind for a long time 怀抱;怀有;心藏 SYN harbour ◆ to nurse an ambition/a grievance/a grudge 心怀壮志╱不满╱怨恨 ◆ She had been nursing a secret desire to see him again. 她一直暗暗渴望再次见到他。 4 [transitive ] nursesth to give special care or attention to sb/sth 培育;培养;悉心照料 ◆ to nurse tender young plants 悉心照料嫩苗 5 [transitive ] nursesb/sth to hold sb/sth carefully in your arms or close to your body 搂抱;小心抱着 ◆ He sat nursing his cup of coffee. 他坐在那里小心翼翼地捧着他那杯咖啡。 6 [intransitive , transitive ] (of a woman or female animal 妇女或雌性动物 ) to feed a baby with milk from the breast 喂奶;哺育 SYN suckle ◆ a nursing mother 正在喂奶的母亲 nursesb/sth ◆ The lioness is still nursing her cubs. 这只母狮还在给它的幼崽喂奶。 ☞compare breastfeed 7 [intransitive ] (of a baby 婴儿 ) to suck milk from its mother's breast 吃奶;吸奶 SYN suckle nurse / nɜːs ; NAmE nɜːrs /
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