notoriously   美 [noˈtɔːriəsli]


notoriously  美 [noˈtɔːriəsli]

adv. 众所周知地;声名狼藉地;恶名昭彰地 

Could some of the deaths have been prevented in this notoriously high-risk area? 在这个众所周知的高危地区,有些死亡是否可以避免?
Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text. 德里达著名地,恶名昭彰地,说道,文本之外什么都没有“,是吧,当然,他意思就是说,需要考虑的只有文本。

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  • adv. 众所周知地;声名狼藉地;恶名昭彰地
  • 1. Could some of the deaths have been prevented in this notoriously high-risk area?


  • 2. Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text.


  • 3. Dengue, for example, has notoriously emerged as one of the fastest growing disease burdens in the world; today, cases are reported in many regions formerly free of the disease.


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