


phrase. 不侵略  phrase. 不侵犯 


Integrated human rights society refers to a community in which human rights are equally combined together, mutual respect, mutual protect and mutual non-aggression. 融合的人权社会,是人与人之间的人权汇合在社会中而互相尊重、互相爱护、互不侵犯的人权平等社会。
It is in terms of the non-aggression principle that Rothbard defined anarchism; 罗斯巴德以互不侵犯原则的形式定义了无政府主义。

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  • phrase. 不侵略
  • phrase. 不侵犯
  • 1. Integrated human rights society refers to a community in which human rights are equally combined together, mutual respect, mutual protect and mutual non-aggression.


  • 2. It is in terms of the non-aggression principle that Rothbard defined anarchism;


  • 3. The Treaty of non-aggression Between the Soviet Union and Germany was signed on August 23, 1939.


ˌnon-agˈgres·sion / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] ( often used as an adjective 常用作形容词 ) a relationship between two countries that have agreed not to attack each other (两国间的)不侵犯,不侵略 a policy of non-aggression 互不侵犯政策 a non-aggression pact/treaty 互不侵犯协定╱条约 ˌnon-agˈgres·sion / ; NAmE /
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