no 英 [nəʊ]   美 [noʊ]


no  英 [nəʊ] 美 [noʊ]

adv.   adj. 没有;不是  n. 不;否决 


Sorry, the answer is no.  对不起,回答是不。
no one understands me. 没有人能谅解我。

  • No is the ultimate negative: it means "not any," or "not at all," and it's also used to express a generally negative response. If there's no milk for your cereal in the morning, there's not a drop left.
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  • adv.
  • adj. 没有;不是
  • n. 不;否决
  • 1. Sorry, the answer is no.


  • 2. no one understands me.


  • 3. No smoking!


  • 4. Reply by no later than tomorrow.


  • 5. Another drink? ‘No, thanks.’

    再来一杯? 不要了,谢谢。

  • 6. No student is to leave the room.


no / nəʊ ; NAmE noʊ / exclamation , determiner , adverb , noun no noes exclamation 1 used to give a negative reply or statement (用于否定的回答或陈述)不;没有;不是 Just say yes or no. 只要说“是”或“不是”。 ‘Are you ready?’ ‘No, I'm not.’ “准备好了吗?”“没有,我没准备好。” Sorry, the answer's no. 对不起,回答是不。 ‘Another drink?’ ‘No, thanks.’ “再来一杯?”“不要了,谢谢。” It's about 70—no, I'm wrong—80 kilometres from Rome. 距离罗马大约是 70,不,不对,是 80 公里。 No! Don't touch it! It's hot. 别!别碰它!很烫。 ‘It was Tony.’ ‘No, you're wrong. It was Ted.’ “是托尼。”“不对,你错了。是特德。” ‘It's not very good, is it?’ ‘No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree). “这不太好,是吧?”“你说得对,这不太好。” 2 used to express shock or surprise at what sb has said (对某人所说的话感到惊讶)不,不要 ‘She's had an accident.’ ‘Oh, no!’ “她发生了意外。”“怎么会呢!” ‘I'm leaving!’ ‘No!’ “我要走了!”“别走!” IDIOM not take no for an answer to refuse to accept that sb does not want sth, will not do sth, etc. 非让人接受(或听从) You're coming and I won't take no for an answer! 你一定要来,不来可不行! more at yes exclam. determiner 1 not one; not any; not a 没有;无 No student is to leave the room. 学生一律不许离开这房间。 There were no letters this morning. 今天早上一封信也没有。 There's no bread left. 一片面包都没有了。 No two days are the same. 一天一个样。 see also no one 2 used, for example on notices, to say that sth is not allowed 不准;禁止 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! 3 there's nodoing sth used to say that it is impossible to do sth 没有可能(做某事) There's no telling what will happen next. 下一步还不定会发生什么事。 4 used to express the opposite of what is mentioned (表示情况的反面)不是,并不 She's no fool (= she's intelligent). 她并不傻。 It was no easy matter (= it was difficult). 这件事不容易。 adverb used before adjectives and adverbs to mean ‘not’ (与 not 同义,用于形容词和副词前)不 She's feeling no better this morning. 她今天早晨还是不见好转。 Reply by no later than 21 July. 请于 7 月 21 日前答覆。 noun ( plural noes / nəʊz ; NAmE noʊz / ) 1 an answer that shows you do not agree with an idea, a statement, etc; a person who says ‘no’ 否定的回答;作否定回答的人 Can't you give me a straight yes or no? “是”还是“否”,你就不能给我个直截了当的回答吗? When we took a vote there were nine yesses and 3 noes. 我们投票表决,有九人赞同,三人反对。 I'll put you down as a no. 我就当你是反对了。 2 the noes [plural ] the total number of people voting ‘no’ in a formal debate, for example in a parliament (统称)投反对票者 The noes have it (= more people have voted against sth than for it). 投反对票者占多数。 OPP ayes no / nəʊ ; NAmE noʊ /
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