no-man's land  

no-man's land

no-man's land 

phrase. 无人地带 

The reason for the no-man's land between the fences and the dark wall of forest is clear... it is a killing ground. 在围墙和黑暗阴森的树林之间是一片无人之地 或者更准确的说 一是片屠杀之地。
XML lives in a no-man's land between the Turing complete languages of the programmers and the WYSIWYG editors of the humanities scholars. XML 生存在程序员的图灵完整语言和人文学者的 WYSIWYG 编辑器之间的无人小岛上。

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  • phrase. 无人地带
  • 1. The reason for the no-man's land between the fences and the dark wall of forest is clear... it is a killing ground.

    在围墙和黑暗阴森的树林之间是一片无人之地 或者更准确的说 一是片屠杀之地。

  • 2. XML lives in a no-man's land between the Turing complete languages of the programmers and the WYSIWYG editors of the humanities scholars.

    XML 生存在程序员的图灵完整语言和人文学者的 WYSIWYG 编辑器之间的无人小岛上。

  • 3. "We all know that the Afghan-Pakistan border, in the so called no-man's land, the terrorist underground is very well entrenched," Lavrov was quoted as saying.


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