night 英 [naɪt]   美 [naɪt]


night  英 [naɪt] 美 [naɪt]

n. 夜晚,晚上  adj. 夜晚的 


What a lovely night! 多么美丽的夜晚!
I was awake all night. 我一夜没睡着。

  • At the end of the day, when the sun goes down and the world gets dark, it's night. If you work at night, you have to get used to sleeping in the middle of the day.
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  • n. 夜晚,晚上
  • adj. 夜晚的
  • 1. What a lovely night!


  • 2. I was awake all night.


  • 3. These animals only come out at night.


  • 4. Did you hear the storm last night?


  • night (n.) Old English niht (West Saxon neaht, Anglian næht, neht) "night, darkness;" the vowel indicating that the modern word derives from oblique cases (genitive nihte, dative niht), from Proto-Germanic *nakht- (source also of Old Saxon and Old High German naht, Old Frisian and Dutch nacht, German Nacht, Old Norse natt, Gothic nahts).
night / naɪt ; NAmE naɪt / noun [uncountable ,  countable ] 1 the time between one day and the next when it is dark, when people usually sleep 夜;夜晚 These animals only come out at night. 这些动物只在夜晚出来。 They sleep by day and hunt by night. 他们白天睡觉,夜晚捕猎。 The accident happened on Friday night. 事故发生在星期五夜里。 on the night of10 January/January 10 在 1 月 10 日晚上 Did you hear the storm last night? 昨天夜里下大雨,你听见了吗? I lay awake all night. 我一夜没睡着。 Where did you spend the night? 你是在哪里过夜的? You're welcome to stay the nighthere. 欢迎你在这里留宿。 What is he doing calling at this time of night? 他干么这么晚了还打电话? You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep. 你好好睡一夜就会觉得好些了。 The trip was for ten nights. 这次旅行要住十个晚上。 The hotel costs €65 per person per night. 住这家酒店,每人每天要 65 欧元。 the night train/boat/flight 夜间列车╱轮船╱飞机班次 Night fell (= it became dark). 夜幕降临。 2 the evening until you go to bed 晚上,夜晚(夜里就寝前的一段时间) Let's go out on Saturday night. 我们星期六晚上出去吧。 Bill's parents came for dinner last night. 昨天晚上,比尔的父母来吃晚饭了。 She doesn't like to walk home late at night. 她不喜欢深夜步行回家。 I saw her in town the other night (= a few nights ago). 前两天晚上我在城里见过她。 I'm working late tomorrow night. 明晚我要工作到很晚。 see also goodnight 3 an evening when a special event happens (举行盛事的)夜晚;…之夜 the first/opening night (= of a play, film/movie, etc.) 首映╱首演之夜 a karaoke night 卡拉 OK 之夜 an Irish/a Scottish, etc. night (= with Irish/Scottish music, entertainment, etc.) 一场爱尔兰、苏格兰等歌舞晚会 see also stag night nights / ; NAmE / adverb ( especially NAmE) He can't get used to working nights (= at night). 他不能适应上夜班。 IDIOMS have an early/a late ˈnight to go to bed earlier or later than usual 比平时睡得早╱晚 I've had a lot of late nights recently. 最近我常常睡得很晚。 have a good/bad ˈnight to sleep well/badly during the night 夜里睡得很好╱很糟 have a night on the ˈtiles ( BrE) ( informal) to stay out late enjoying yourself 深夜在外玩乐 ˌnight and ˈday | ˌday and ˈnight all the time; continuously 日日夜夜;夜以继日;连续不断 The machines are kept running night and day. 这些机器夜以继日地运转着。 night ˈnight used by children or to children, to mean ‘Good night’ (儿童用语或对儿童使用的语言)晚安 ‘Night night, sleep tight!’ “宝宝睡觉觉,睡个好觉觉!” a night ˈout an evening that you spend enjoying yourself away from home 在外玩乐的夜晚 They enjoy a night out occasionally. 他们偶尔出去玩上一个晚上。 more at all right adj. , dance v. , dead n. , morning , spend v. , still adj. , thing night nights night / naɪt ; NAmE naɪt / nights / ; NAmE /
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