newness ['njʊnɪs]  


newness  ['njʊnɪs]

n. 新奇;崭新 


What I mean by innovation can be summed up in three words: newness, commercialization, and impact. 我说的是什么意思,创新可以归结为三个词:新奇、商品化、冲击。
That will be the key to marketing Googlemobiles: passion, love, individuality, innovation, choice, excitement, newness. 这也将是谷歌汽车营销的关键:激情、喜爱、个性、创新、精品、激动、新奇。

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  • n. 新奇;崭新
  • 1. What I mean by innovation can be summed up in three words: newness, commercialization, and impact.


  • 2. That will be the key to marketing Googlemobiles: passion, love, individuality, innovation, choice, excitement, newness.


  • 3. Let the guilt of the past sins and mistakes go, for with true repentance, the Lord forgives and leads to newness of life.


  • newness (n.) Old English neownysse; see new + -ness.
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