neurotransmitter 英 [,njʊərəʊtrænz'mɪtə]   美 ['nʊrotrænzmɪtɚ]


neurotransmitter  英 [,njʊərəʊtrænz'mɪtə] 美 ['nʊrotrænzmɪtɚ]

n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素 


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter critical to the experience of pleasure and desire, and sends a signal to the brain: Pay attention, this is important. 多巴胺是一种神经递质,对于人感受快乐和欲望至关重要,而且会向大脑发送这样一个信号:注意了,这很重要。
The nucleus accumbens is associated with other kinds of longing — for alcohol and drugs — and is more dense in the neurotransmitter dopamine than in serotonin. 阿肯柏氏核还与其他种类的渴望(比如嗜酒,嗑药)相联系---而且在血清素里神经传递素多巴胺的浓度更高。

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  • n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素
  • 1. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter critical to the experience of pleasure and desire, and sends a signal to the brain: Pay attention, this is important.


  • 2. The nucleus accumbens is associated with other kinds of longing — for alcohol and drugs — and is more dense in the neurotransmitter dopamine than in serotonin.


  • 3. All drugs of abuse stimulate the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine.


neuro·trans·mit·ter / ˈnjʊərəʊtrænzmɪtə(r) ; NAmE ˈnʊroʊtrænzmɪtər / noun ( biology ) a chemical that carries messages from nerve cells to other nerve cells or muscles 神经递质(在神经细胞间或向肌肉传递信息) neurotransmitter neurotransmitters neuro·trans·mit·ter / ˈnjʊərəʊtrænzmɪtə(r) ; NAmE ˈnʊroʊtrænzmɪtər /
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