neocon [,niokən'sɝvətɪv]  


neocon  [,niokən'sɝvətɪv]

n. 新保守主义;新保守主义者(等于neoconservative) 


He has publicly turned his back on the neocon movement. 他已经公开背离了新保守主义运动。
Blizzard could have programmed not only the consequences that would be predicted by a bleeding-heart liberal, but those posited by a neocon. 暴雪本来不仅可以设计一个流血的自由主义心脏来预言后果,还可以由一个新保守派来布置。

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  • n. 新保守主义;新保守主义者(等于neoconservative)
  • 1. He has publicly turned his back on the neocon movement.


  • 2. Blizzard could have programmed not only the consequences that would be predicted by a bleeding-heart liberal, but those posited by a neocon.


  • 3. At the same time, the human and financial toll of theIraq war, which Paul decried as an act of imperialism, left some Republicansangry with the so-called neocon wing of their party.


  • neocon (n.) by 1987, abbreviation for neo-conservative in the U.S. political sense.
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