


phrase. 新古典的 

I had cut out a silhouette of a beautiful, naked woman from a neo-classical painting published in an art magazine and made it into a doll. 当时我在一本艺术杂志上看到了一幅新古典主义的绘画,我把画里那个很漂亮的裸体女人剪了下来做成了一个娃娃。
The building styles are an eclectic mix of neo-classical and art deco, and many were built when the island was autonomously run as a foreign concession prior to World War Two. 这些房子的风格可说是新古典主义和装饰艺术的一种折衷,很多是在二战前这个小岛成为多国殖民地时建造的。

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  • phrase. 新古典的
  • 1. I had cut out a silhouette of a beautiful, naked woman from a neo-classical painting published in an art magazine and made it into a doll.


  • 2. The building styles are an eclectic mix of neo-classical and art deco, and many were built when the island was autonomously run as a foreign concession prior to World War Two.


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