nautical mile 英 [ˈnɔ:tɪkəl mail]   美 [ˈnɔtɪkəl maɪl]

nautical mile

nautical mile  英 [ˈnɔ:tɪkəl mail] 美 [ˈnɔtɪkəl maɪl]

n. 海里(合1.852公里) 

名词复数:nautical miles 

But virtually all the waters to the west of the Korean Peninsula fall within that 200 nautical mile limit. 但实事求是的讲,朝鲜半岛以西的所有水域均含括在其200海里的限制以内。
Accordingly the nautical mile has been pegged at a standard length half way between the two possible extremes. 于是,标准的海里就取了赤道和两极的中间值。

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  • n. 海里(合1.852公里)
  • 1. But virtually all the waters to the west of the Korean Peninsula fall within that 200 nautical mile limit.


  • 2. Accordingly the nautical mile has been pegged at a standard length half way between the two possible extremes.


  • 3. Yet so efficient is the engine, says the Danish chief engineer, that cruising at an average of 17 knots the ship consumes just 3 grams of fuel per tonne per nautical mile—which certainly sounds low.


ˌnautical ˈmile / ; NAmE / ( also ˈsea mile ) noun a unit for measuring distance at sea; 1 852 metres 海里(合 1 852 米) ˌnautical ˈmile / ; NAmE /
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