naturalized 英 ['nætʃərəlaɪzd]   美 ['nætʃərəlaɪzd]


naturalized  英 ['nætʃərəlaɪzd] 美 ['nætʃərəlaɪzd]

adj. 归化的;入籍的;[动] 自然化的;驯化的  v. 使自然化;接受…入国籍;采纳(naturalize的过去式和过去分词) 

Life in the modern metropolis was de-familiarizing. It de-naturalized language. 现代都市的生活令人陌生,让语言“去自然化”了。
Family members of native-born or newly naturalized Asian Americans accounted for most of these. 其中,在美国出生或新归化入籍的亚裔公民的亲属占绝大多数。

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  • adj. 归化的;入籍的;[动] 自然化的;驯化的
  • v. 使自然化;接受…入国籍;采纳(naturalize的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. Life in the modern metropolis was de-familiarizing. It de-naturalized language.


  • 2. Family members of native-born or newly naturalized Asian Americans accounted for most of these.


  • 3. This includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, or immigrants, refugees, students and illegal immigrants.


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