narrowness ['næronɪs]  


narrowness  ['næronɪs]

n. 狭小,狭窄;小气 


The narrowness of the diamond is a flaw, but no system is without them. 钻石型中场的狭窄是个缺陷,但是不存在完美无缺的战术体系。
Despite the narrowness of lanes, the spreading speed of happiness is not decreased. 小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度……

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  • n. 狭小,狭窄;小气
  • 1. The narrowness of the diamond is a flaw, but no system is without them.


  • 2. Despite the narrowness of lanes, the spreading speed of happiness is not decreased.


  • 3. The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade.


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