naked 英 [ˈneɪkɪd]   美 [ˈnekɪd]


naked  英 [ˈneɪkɪd] 美 [ˈnekɪd]

adj. 裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的 

Unless he was naked. 除非他是裸体。
She’s almost naked now but keep her underwear on for another minute or so. 虽然她现在已经基本裸体了但让她还穿着内衣一两分钟。

  • If you have no clothes on, you're naked. Likewise, things that are uncovered or unhidden, like a bare tree, are also naked.
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  • adj. 裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的
  • 1. Unless he was naked.


  • 2. She’s almost naked now but keep her underwear on for another minute or so.


  • 3. The want to pay (me) to be naked on the cover," she said.

    他们想付我钱让我裸体上他们杂志的封面。” 她说。

  • naked (adj.) Old English nacod "nude, bare; empty," also "not fully clothed," from Proto-Germanic *nakwadaz (source also of Old Frisian nakad, Middle Dutch naket, Dutch naakt, Old High German nackot, German nackt, Old Norse nökkviðr, Old Swedish nakuþer, Gothic naqaþs "naked"), from PIE root *nogw- "naked" (source also of Sanskrit nagna, Hittite nekumant-, Old Persian *nagna-, Greek gymnos, Latin nudus, Lithuanian nuogas, Old Church Slavonic nagu-, Russian nagoi, Old Irish nocht, Welsh noeth "bare, naked"). Related: Nakedly; nakedness. Applied to qualities, actions, etc., from late 14c. (first in "The Cloud of Unknowing"); phrase naked truth is from 1585, in Alexander Montgomerie's "The Cherry and the Slae":
naked / ˈneɪkɪd ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪd / adjective 1 not wearing any clothes 裸体的;裸露的;不穿衣服的 SYN bare a naked body 赤裸的身体 naked shoulders 裸露的肩膀 They often wandered around the house stark naked (= completely naked). 他们经常赤身裸体地在房子周围漫步。 They found him half nakedand bleeding to death. 他们发现他身体半裸,流着血,快不行了。 The prisoners were stripped naked. 囚犯被剥得赤条条的。 see also buck naked 2 [usually before noun ] without the usual covering 无遮盖的;裸露的 SYN bare a naked light 无罩灯 a naked sword 出鞘之剑 Mice are born naked (= without fur). 老鼠出生时遍体无毛。 ( BrE) a naked flame 明火 HELP  In American English this is called an open flame. 美式英语称作 open flame。 3 [only before noun ] (of emotions, attitudes, etc. 情感、态度等 ) expressed strongly and not hidden 直白的;露骨的;毫不掩饰的 naked aggression 赤裸裸的攻击 the naked truth 明摆着的事实 4 [not usually before noun ] unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc. 缺乏保护;无力自卫 SYN helpless He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal. 经历了这场磨难之后,他仍然感到无法自卫,而且筋疲力尽。 naked·ly / ˈneɪkɪdli ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪdli / adverb nakedly aggressive 赤裸裸地挑衅 naked·ness / ˈneɪkɪdnəs ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪdnəs / noun [uncountable ] IDIOM the naked ˈeye the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument 肉眼 The planet should be visible with/to the naked eye. 这颗行星肉眼就能看得见。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 naked / bare Both these words can be used to mean ‘not covered with clothes’ and are frequently used with the following nouns. 以上两词均含裸露、未穿衣服之意,常与下列名词连用: naked ~ bare ~ body feet man arms fear walls aggression branches flame essentials Nakedis more often used to describe a person or their body and bareusually describes a part of the body. *naked 较常用以表示赤身裸体,而 bare 通常指身体某部位裸露着。 Barecan also describe other things with nothing on them. *bare 亦可用以描述其他没有遮盖或光秃的东西: bare walls 没有装饰的墙 a bare hillside 光秃秃的山腰 Nakedcan mean ‘without a protective covering’. *naked 含无保护性遮盖之义: a naked sword 出鞘的剑 Barecan also mean ‘just enough’. *bare 亦含仅够之意: the bare minimum 最低限度 Nakedcan be used to talk about strong feelings that are not hidden. *naked 可用以表示赤裸裸、无掩饰的强烈感情: naked fear 不加掩饰的恐惧 Note also the idiom 另注意习语: (visible) to/with the naked eye 肉眼(可见) naked / ˈneɪkɪd ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪd / naked·ly / ˈneɪkɪdli ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪdli / naked·ness / ˈneɪkɪdnəs ; NAmE ˈneɪkɪdnəs /
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