naively   美 [nɑ'ivli]


naively  美 [nɑ'ivli]

adv. 无邪地;天真烂漫地 

As opposed to the anti-pattern of not receiving enough feedback, I often find teams who naively decide everyone should always receive feedback (say, an e-mail) every time a CI server does anything. 与 “反馈太少” 反模式相反,我常常发现团队天真地认为,当 CI 服务器做任何事情时,每个人都应该接到反馈(比如电子邮件)。
To listen naively, that is, without an agenda or thinking about your response, is a vital skill that we all need to work at every day. 真心地倾听,而且要心无杂念,取消所有日程,也不要想怎么回答,这种重要技巧要在每天的工作中使用。

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  • adv. 无邪地;天真烂漫地
  • 1. As opposed to the anti-pattern of not receiving enough feedback, I often find teams who naively decide everyone should always receive feedback (say, an e-mail) every time a CI server does anything.

    与 “反馈太少” 反模式相反,我常常发现团队天真地认为,当 CI 服务器做任何事情时,每个人都应该接到反馈(比如电子邮件)。

  • 2. To listen naively, that is, without an agenda or thinking about your response, is a vital skill that we all need to work at every day.


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