mysteriously 英 [mɪ'stɪərɪəslɪ]   美 [mɪs'tɪrɪəsli]


mysteriously  英 [mɪ'stɪərɪəslɪ] 美 [mɪs'tɪrɪəsli]

adv. 神秘地;故弄玄虚地;难以理解地 

So what can we do to get more of this marvelous, mysteriously restorative sleep stage? 那么,我们能做些什么才能恢复这个奇妙而神秘的恢复性睡眠阶段?
The animal was heavier than Gerard had expected, shifting its weight mysteriously from one corner of the box to another as he carried it out into the snow and set it on the seat beside him. 这个动物要比杰拉德想象的要重些,当勃兹曼顶着雪走出来并把它放在杰拉德座位旁边时,箱子里动物的重量神秘的从箱子的一角偏向另一角。

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  • adv. 神秘地;故弄玄虚地;难以理解地
  • 1. So what can we do to get more of this marvelous, mysteriously restorative sleep stage?


  • 2. The animal was heavier than Gerard had expected, shifting its weight mysteriously from one corner of the box to another as he carried it out into the snow and set it on the seat beside him.


  • 3. And could they have mysteriously disappeared for 20 years, only to turn up by chance in a Tel Aviv laboratory?


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