- A mutiny is a revolt, when the led no longer obey the leader. To be mutinous is to behave this way, like when the entire class rises up against a substitute teacher.
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- adj. 暴动的;反抗的;难制服的
1. And I agreed to let death, in the form of radiation, pulse into my flesh so that it could kill my mutinous cancer cells.
2. GORDON BROWN must have found Aberdeen a welcome refuge from London, where mutinous lorry-drivers clogged a main road in protest against the cost of diesel.
格登•布朗肯定知晓阿伯丁是一个远离伦敦并深受欢迎的避难所。 在伦敦,暴动的的卡车司机正堵塞在一条公路干线之上对柴油价格过高表示抗议。
mu·tin·ous / ˈmjuːtənəs ; NAmE ˈmjuːtənəs / adjective 1 refusing to obey the orders of sb in authority; wanting to do this 不驯服的;桀骜不驯的;有意反抗的 SYN rebellious ◆ mutinous workers 桀骜不驯的工人 ◆ a mutinous expression 反抗的神色 2 taking part in a mutiny 参与叛乱的;参与暴动的 ▶ mu·tin·ous·ly / ˈmjuːtənəsli ; NAmE ˈmjuːtənəsli / adverb mu·tin·ous / ˈmjuːtənəs ; NAmE ˈmjuːtənəs / mu·tin·ous·ly / ˈmjuːtənəsli ; NAmE ˈmjuːtənəsli /
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