- Use the word musty to describe an unclean, stale and possibly moldy smell. If something smells musty that means it’s probably been sitting in a damp corner without any air for a little too long.
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- adj. 发霉的;落伍的;冷淡的
1. The objective was to bring ancient musty texts out of inaccessible libraries and reproduce them in modern volumes for all to see and study.
2. For the most part, downtown Dar was built long ago, and its low-slung concrete buildings, long exposed to the moisture of the tropics, have taken on a musty shade of gray.
3. A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.
- musty (adj.) 1520s, perhaps a variant of moisty "moist, damp" (see moist). Related: Mustiness.
musty / ˈmʌsti ; NAmE ˈmʌsti / adjective ( must·ier , musti·est ) smelling damp and unpleasant because of a lack of fresh air 有霉味的;发霉的 SYN dank ◆ a musty room 有霉味的房间 musty mustier mustiest musty / ˈmʌsti ; NAmE ˈmʌsti /
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