musicologist 英 [ˌmju:zɪ'kɒlədʒɪst]   美 [ˌmjuzɪ'kɒlədʒɪst]


musicologist  英 [ˌmju:zɪ'kɒlədʒɪst] 美 [ˌmjuzɪ'kɒlədʒɪst]

n. 音乐学者,音乐理论家 


Maury Yeston is an American composer, lyricist, educator and musicologist. 莫利·耶斯顿是名美国的词曲作家、教育家、音乐学者。
She was married to critic and musicologist Aladar Toth (1898-1986); she is buried next to him in Budapest. 她嫁给了评论家和音乐阿拉达尔托特( 1898至1986年) ;她被安葬在他旁边的布达佩斯。

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  • n. 音乐学者,音乐理论家
  • 1. Maury Yeston is an American composer, lyricist, educator and musicologist.


  • 2. She was married to critic and musicologist Aladar Toth (1898-1986); she is buried next to him in Budapest.

    她嫁给了评论家和音乐阿拉达尔托特( 1898至1986年) ;她被安葬在他旁边的布达佩斯。

  • 3. Petra Gelbart, a Czech-born Romani musicologist, says a common experience among job applicants is that those speaking accentless Czech and with unremarkable surnames easily get interviews.

    出生于捷克的吉普赛人Petra Gelbart是位音乐学家,他称求职者常遇到的问题是当他们没有口音,没有明显的吉普赛人姓名时通常会得到面试机会。

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