museum piece 英 [mju:ˈziəm pi:s]   美 [mjuˈziəm pis]

museum piece

museum piece  英 [mju:ˈziəm pi:s] 美 [mjuˈziəm pis]

phrase. 博物馆珍品;老古董 

Music must never be comfortable, never become a museum-piece, not placatory . It must stir up people, reach them at a personal level, and get them to thinking. 音乐一定是舒适的,她不会是博物馆的藏品。她一定能够感动人们,从一个个人的角度接近人们,然后给予人以思考。
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: One piece in the Textile Museum's "Green" exhibit is a work in progress. 雪格里菲斯:一个在纺织博物馆的“绿色”的展览作品是一项正在进行的工作。

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  • phrase. 博物馆珍品;老古董
  • 1. Music must never be comfortable, never become a museum-piece, not placatory . It must stir up people, reach them at a personal level, and get them to thinking.


  • 2. SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: One piece in the Textile Museum's "Green" exhibit is a work in progress.


muˈseum piece / ; NAmE / noun 1 an object that is of enough historical or artistic value to have in a museum 珍藏品;足以收入博物馆的物品 2 ( humorous) a thing or person that is old-fashioned, or old and no longer useful 老古董;过时的物(或人) museum piece museum pieces muˈseum piece / ; NAmE /
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