multidimensional [,mʌltɪdɪ'mɛnʃənl]  


multidimensional  [,mʌltɪdɪ'mɛnʃənl]

adj. [数] 多维的;多面的 

The continental extension of Brazil demands a multidimensional approach to adaptation and mitigation. 巴西大陆架的延伸要求采用多维的适应和缓解方法。
In this second half of the article, I'll suggest a novel way to look at metadata as a pathway into multidimensional signature space. 在本文的第二部分中,我将介绍一种全新的方法,该方法将元数据看成通往多维签名空间的一种途径。

  • The adjective multidimensional describes anything with many different parts or aspects. You might talk about your relationship with the next door neighbor as multidimensional if, say, he's also your teacher, and if his son is married to your older sister.
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  • adj. [数] 多维的;多面的
  • 1. The continental extension of Brazil demands a multidimensional approach to adaptation and mitigation.


  • 2. In this second half of the article, I'll suggest a novel way to look at metadata as a pathway into multidimensional signature space.


  • 3. In the concept of metadata as a multidimensional signature, each consumer of the signature uses only the projection that is relevant to its concern.

    在将元数据看成多维签名这种思路中,签名的每位消费者只使用与其关注点相关的 投射。

  • multidimensional (adj.) also multi-dimensional, 1884, from multi- + dimensional (see dimension).
multi·di·men·sion·al AWL / ˌmʌltidaɪˈmenʃənl ; NAmE ˌmʌltidaɪˈmenʃənl / / ˌmʌltidɪˈmenʃənl ; NAmE ˌmʌltidɪˈmenʃənl / adjective having several dimensions (= measurements in space) 多维的 multidimensional space 多维空间 multi·di·men·sion·al / ˌmʌltidaɪˈmenʃənl ; NAmE ˌmʌltidaɪˈmenʃənl /
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