mugger 英 [ˈmʌgə(r)]   美 [ˈmʌɡɚ]


mugger  英 [ˈmʌgə(r)] 美 [ˈmʌɡɚ]

n. 行凶抢劫者,偷袭抢劫者;泽鳄(产于非洲) 


Then one night walking home from work, I was attacked by a mugger. 有一天晚上,我走在回家的途中,我被一名偷袭抢劫者攻击了。
In Damon's book, a wonderful book on psychopathy, he talks about a thirteen-year-old mugger who specialized in mugging blind people. 在Damon一本关于精神变态的书中,他谈到一个13岁的行凶劫匪,他专门行凶抢劫盲人。

  • Someone who steals another person's personal property after threatening to hurt them (or actually hurting them) is a mugger. Most muggers attack their victims in a public place.
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  • n. 行凶抢劫者,偷袭抢劫者;泽鳄(产于非洲)
  • 1. Then one night walking home from work, I was attacked by a mugger.


  • 2. In Damon's book, a wonderful book on psychopathy, he talks about a thirteen-year-old mugger who specialized in mugging blind people.


  • 3. Coming up from behind me, out of the shadows, the mugger managed to hid me twice the back of the head before I knew what was happening.


  • mugger (n.) 1865, agent noun from mug (v.1).
mug·ger / ˈmʌɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈmʌɡər / noun a person who threatens or attacks sb in order to steal their money, especially in a public place 抢劫犯;拦路抢劫者 mugger muggers mug·ger / ˈmʌɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈmʌɡər /
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