mover 英 [ˈmu:və(r)]   美 [ˈmuvɚ]


mover  英 [ˈmu:və(r)] 美 [ˈmuvɚ]

n. 原动力;鼓动者;搬运公司;搬家工人 


If there was a plot to topple the government, the next question was who was the main beneficiary—and hence the prime mover behind it. 如果真有一场密谋要推翻政府,那么下一个问题便是最大的受益者是谁,此人亦应是隐藏其后的发动者。
To void an unwanted shark encounters when swimming if you see a school of fish avoid them a mover to an area away from them, you never know what might be chasing them. 为了避免与鲨鱼的不必要的相遇,当你看见一群鱼向一个方向游动时,请远离它们因为你不会知道是什么动物在后面追赶它们。

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  • n. 原动力;鼓动者;搬运公司;搬家工人
  • 1. If there was a plot to topple the government, the next question was who was the main beneficiary—and hence the prime mover behind it.


  • 2. To void an unwanted shark encounters when swimming if you see a school of fish avoid them a mover to an area away from them, you never know what might be chasing them.


  • 3. Being the first mover has its advantages.


  • mover (n.) late 14c., agent noun from move (v.). Originally of God. Meaning "one who moves goods as a profession" is from 1838.
mover / ˈmuːvə(r) ; NAmE ˈmuːvər / noun 1 a person or thing that moves in a particular way 以某方式移动的人(或物) a great mover on the dance floor 舞场中舞姿优美的人 see also prime mover 2 a machine or a person that moves things from one place to another, especially sb who moves furniture from one house to another 运送物品的机器(或人);搬运家具的人 an earth mover 运土机 professional furniture movers 专业搬家工人 see also remover  (2 ) IDIOM ˌmovers and ˈshakers people with power in important organizations (重要机构中)有权势的人 mover movers mover / ˈmuːvə(r) ; NAmE ˈmuːvər /
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