- A mosquito is a tiny stinging insect that leaves an itchy welt on your skin. Between its annoying bites and its ability to spread disease, the mosquito is not the most popular of insects (unlike the fair ladybug).
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- n. 蚊子
1. Are your mosquito bites still itching?
2. a mosquito bite
- mosquito (n.) 1580s, from Spanish mosquito "little gnat," diminutive of mosca "fly," from Latin musca "fly," from PIE root *mu- "gnat, fly," imitative of insect buzzing (compare Sanskrit maksa-, Greek myia, Old English mycg, Modern English midge, Old Church Slavonic mucha), perhaps imitative of the sound of humming insects.
mos·quito / məˈskiːtəʊ ; mɒskiːtəʊ ; NAmE məˈskiːtoʊ / noun ( plural mos·quitoes or mos·quitos ) a flying insect that bites humans and animals and sucks their blood. One type of mosquitocan spread the disease malaria. 蚊子 ◆ a mosquito bite 蚊子叮伤 mosquito mosquitoes mos·quito / məˈskiːtəʊ ; mɒskiːtəʊ ; NAmE məˈskiːtoʊ /
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