money 英 [ˈmʌni]   美 [ˈmʌni]


money  英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni]

n. 钱; 


to borrow money,to save money,to spend money,to earn money 借钱;存钱;花钱;挣钱
How much money is there in my account? 我的账上还有多少钱?

  • Money is cash. You can have money in your pocket or money in the bank. People need money to buy things.
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  • n. 钱;
  • 1. to borrow money,to save money,to spend money,to earn money


  • 2. How much money is there in my account?


  • 3. Can you lend me some money until tomorrow?


  • 4. I counted the money carefully.


  • 5. He lost all his money.


  • money (n.) mid-13c., "coinage, metal currency," from Old French monoie "money, coin, currency; change" (Modern French monnaie), from Latin moneta "place for coining money, mint; coined money, money, coinage," from Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, in or near whose temple money was coined; perhaps from monere "advise, warn" (see monitor (n.)), with the sense of "admonishing goddess," which is sensible, but the etymology is difficult.
money / ˈmʌni ; NAmE ˈmʌni / noun 1 [uncountable ] what you earn by working or selling things, and use to buy things 钱;薪水;收入 to borrow/save/spend/earn money 借钱;存钱;花钱;挣钱 How much money is there in my account? 我的账上还有多少钱? The money is much better in my new job. 我的新工作薪水高多了。 If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back. 东西不满意,可以退款。 We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it)next year. 明年我们需要筹集更多的钱。 Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? 能借我点儿钱吗?明天就还。 Be careful with that —it cost a lot of money. 小心别弄坏那东西,花了很多钱买的。 collocationsat finance 2 [uncountable ] coins or paper notes 钱币;钞票 I counted the money carefully. 我仔细点了这笔钱。 Where can I change my money into dollars? 什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元? see also funny money , paper money , ready money 3 [uncountable ] a person's wealth including their property 财产;财富 He lost all his money. 他失去了全部财产。 The family made their money in the 18th century. 这个家族在 18 世纪创下了家业。 4 moneys or monies [plural ] ( law or old use) sums of money 款项 a statement of all monies paid into your account 存入你的账户的所有金额的清单 HELP  You will find other compounds ending in moneyat their place in the alphabet. 其他以 money 结尾的复合词可在各字母中的适当位置查到。 IDIOMS be in the ˈmoney ( informal) to have a lot of money to spend 有钱 for ˈmy money ( informal) in my opinion 依我看;我觉得 For my money, he's one of the greatest comedians of all time. 依我看,历来的喜剧演员,他是数一数二的。 get your ˈmoney's worth to get enough value or enjoyment out of sth, considering the amount of money, time, etc. that you are spending on it (钱或时间等)值得花 good ˈmoney a lot of money; money that you earn with hard work 大笔的钱;辛苦挣来的钱 Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform. 成千上万的人花很多钱去观看这支乐队的演出。 Don't waste good money on that! 别把辛苦挣来的钱浪费在那上头! have money to ˈburn to have so much money that you do not have to be careful with it 钱多得花不完;有用不完的钱 ˈmade of money ( informal) very rich 极其富有 make ˈmoney to earn a lot of money; to make a profit 赚钱;获利 The movie should make money. 这部电影应该赚大钱。 There's money to be made from tourism. 旅游业非常有利可图。 make/lose money ˌhand over ˈfist to make/lose money very fast and in large quantities 赚大钱;破大财 money for ˈjam/old ˈrope ( BrE) ( informal) money that is earned very easily, for sth that needs little effort 容易赚的钱财 money is no ˈobject money is not sth that needs to be considered, because there is plenty of it available 钱不成问题 She travels around the world as if money is no object. 她周游世界,不把钱当一回事。 money ˈtalks ( saying) people who have a lot of money have more power and influence than others 财大气就粗;有钱就有势 on the ˈmoney correct; accurate 正确的;准确的 His prediction was right on the money. 他的预测准确无误。 put ˈmoney into sth to invest money in a business or a particular project 投资于 We would welcome interest from anyone prepared to put money into the club. 任何人有意向俱乐部投资,我们都欢迎。 put your ˈmoney on sb/sth 1 to bet that a particular horse, dog, etc. will win a race 在(马、狗等)上下赌注 2 to feel very sure that sth is true or that sb will succeed 确信 He'll be there tonight. I'd put money on it. 我十分肯定他今晚会在那儿。 put your money where your ˈmouth is ( informal) to support what you say by doing sth practical; to show by your actions that you really mean sth 用行动证明自己的话 throw your ˈmoney about/around ( informal) to spend money in a careless and obvious way 肆意挥霍;大手大脚 throw good money after ˈbad ( disapproving) to spend more money on sth, when you have wasted a lot on it already 继续花钱打水漂 throw ˈmoney at sth ( disapproving) to try to deal with a problem or improve a situation by spending money on it, when it would be better to deal with it in other ways 白(往某事上)扔钱 It is inappropriate simply to throw money at these problems. 只是用钱去处理这些问题是不适当的。 more at best n. , careful , coin v. , colour n. , easy adj. , fool n. , grow , licence n. , love n. , marry , object n. , pay v. , pot n. , roll v. , run n. , time n. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 money cash change These are all words for money in the form of coins or paper notes. 以上各词均表示金钱,包括硬币和钞票。 money money in the form of coins or paper notes 指金钱,包括钱币和钞票: I counted the money carefully. 我仔细点了这笔钱。 Where can I change my money into dollars? 什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元? paper money (= money that is made of paper, not coins) 纸币 cash money in the form of coins or paper notes 指现金: How much cash do you have on you? 你身上带着多少现金? Payments can be made by cheque or in cash. 支票或现金付款均可。 money or cash? 用 money 还是 cash? If it is important to contrast money in the form of coins and notes and money in other forms, use cash. 强调现金而非其他形式的货币时用 cash: How much money/cash do you have on you? 你身上带着多少现金? Payments can be made by cheque or in money. Customers are offered a discount if they pay money. change the money that you get back when you have paid for sth giving more money than the amount it costs; coins rather than paper money 指找给的零钱、硬币: The ticket machine doesn't give change. 自动售票机不找零。 I don't have any small change (= coins of low value). 我没有零钱。 PATTERNS to draw out / draw out money/cash readymoney/cash (= money that you have available to spend immediately) money moneys monies money / ˈmʌni ; NAmE ˈmʌni /
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