molestation [,məule'steiʃən]  


molestation  [,məule'steiʃən]

n. 干扰,妨害;折磨;调戏 


I ve seen women pedalling alone at midnight in many cities and towns, without fear of molestation , which is an index of how civilised a society is. 我曾经在许多城镇看到妇女在深夜里独自骑自行车而无须担心性骚扰,这是社会文明程度的一个指标。
At least since his 2005 trial on child-molestation charges — charges he beat — reporters and other observers had noted his frail appearance and slow, almost pained carriage. 至少自从2005年的娈童指控以来,记者和其他的观察家已经他的脆弱表现,和缓慢,几乎可以说是痛苦的姿态。

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  • n. 干扰,妨害;折磨;调戏
  • 1. I ve seen women pedalling alone at midnight in many cities and towns, without fear of molestation , which is an index of how civilised a society is.


  • 2. At least since his 2005 trial on child-molestation charges — charges he beat — reporters and other observers had noted his frail appearance and slow, almost pained carriage.


  • 3. I had taken the precaution at the beginning of my stay to secure a pass that set me free from any possible molestation from officials or police, and this gave me admission to the Kremlin enclosure.

    我在停留初期就做了预防措施,获得了一个通行证,让我免受官员或者警察的骚扰。 如今,这张通行证也让我可以前往克里姆林宫。

  • molestation (n.) c. 1400, "action of annoying or vexing," from Old French molestacion "vexation, harassing," and directly from Medieval Latin molestationem (nominative molestatio), noun of action from past participle stem of molestare (see molest). It meant "the harassing of a person in his possession or occupation of lands" in Scottish law; in English common law it came to mean "injury inflicted upon another."
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