- A module is an individual part that combines with other components to make different things. You might have one module that's a cube, and another that's a slab of wood. Two cubes and a slab could make an end table.
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- n. 模块;组件
1. Switch from one module to another.
2. In this step, you create a new module for the selector.
3. The course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules.
4. the lunar module
- module (n.) 1580s, "allotted measure," from Middle French module (1540s) or directly from Latin modulus "small measure," diminutive of modus "measure, manner" (from PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures"). Meaning "interchangeable part" first recorded 1955; that of "separate section of a spacecraft" is from 1961.
mod·ule / ˈmɒdjuːl ; NAmE ˈmɑːdʒul / noun 1 a unit that can form part of a course of study, especially at a college or university in Britain 单元(尤指英国大学课程的一部份) ◆ The course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules. 这门课程包括十个必修单元和五个选修单元。 2 ( computing 计 ) a unit of a computer system or program that has a particular function 模块;功能块;程序块 3 one of a set of separate parts or units that can be joined together to make a machine, a piece of furniture, a building, etc. 组件;模块;配件 4 a unit of a spacecraftthat can function independently of the main part (航天器上独立的)舱 ◆ the lunar module 登月舱 module modules mod·ule / ˈmɒdjuːl ; NAmE ˈmɑːdʒul /
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