miss 英 [mɪs]   美 [mɪs]


miss  英 [mɪs] 美 [mɪs]

n. 女士,小姐  vt. 错过,想念 

进行时:missing  过去式:missed  过去分词:missed  第三人称单数:misses  名词复数:misses 

He completely missed the joke. 这个笑话他一点也没听懂。
She hasn't missed a game all year. 她一年中一场比赛都没错过。

  • To miss is to fail to do or sense something, or to be without. If you miss all your free throws, your basketball team probably won't miss you if you skip a game.
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  • n. 女士,小姐
  • vt. 错过,想念
  • 1. He completely missed the joke.


  • 2. She hasn't missed a game all year.


  • 3. I never miss a chance of playing football.


  • 4. How many goals has he missed this season?


  • 5. She will be greatly missed when she leaves.


  • 6. We seem to be missing some students this morning.


  • 7. Miss Brighton


  • 8. Will that be all, Miss?


  • miss (n.1) late 12c., "loss, lack; " c. 1200, "regret occasioned by loss or absence," from Old English miss "absence, loss," from source of missan "to miss" (see miss (v.)). Meaning "an act or fact of missing; a being without" is from late 15c.; meaning "a failure to hit or attain" is 1550s. To give something a miss "to abstain from, avoid" is from 1919. Phrase a miss is as good as a mile was originally, an inch, in a miss, is as good as an ell (see ell).
  • miss (n.2) "the term of honour to a young girl" [Johnson], originally (c. 1600) a shortened form of mistress. By 1640s as "prostitute, concubine;" sense of "title for a young unmarried woman, girl" first recorded 1660s. In the 1811 reprint of the slang dictionary, Miss Laycock is given as an underworld euphemism for "the monosyllable." Miss America is from 1922 as the title bestowed on the winner of an annual nationwide U.S. beauty/talent contest. Earlier it meant "young American women generally" or "the United States personified as a young woman," and it also was the name of a fast motor boat.
  • miss (v.) Old English missan "fail to hit, miss (a mark); fail in what was aimed at; escape (someone's notice)," influenced by Old Norse missa "to miss, to lack;" both from Proto-Germanic *missjan "to go wrong" (source also of Old Frisian missa, Middle Dutch, Dutch missen, German missen "to miss, fail"), from *missa- "in a changed manner," hence "abnormally, wrongly," from PIE root *mei- (1) "to change, go, move." Related: Missed; missing.
miss / mɪs ; NAmE mɪs / verb , noun miss misses missed missing verb not hit, catch, etc. 未击中;错过 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to fail to hit, catch, reach, etc. sth 未击中;未得到;未达到;错过 miss(sb/sth) How many goals has he missed this season? 这个赛季他射丢了多少个球? The bullet missed her by about six inches. 子弹从她身边飞过,离她大约只有六吋。 She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed. 她朝他甩出一个盘子,差一点打中他。 missdoing sth She narrowly missed hitting him. 她差一点没打着他。 not hear/see 不闻;不见 2 [transitive ] misssth to fail to hear, see or notice sth 未见到;未听到;未觉察 The hotel is the only white building on the road— you can't miss it. 酒店是这条路上唯一的白色建筑,你不会看不见的。 Don't miss next week's issue! 别错过下周那一期! I missed her name. 我没听清她的名字。 Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much. 你妈会知道谁搬进来了,很少有她注意不到的。 not understand 不懂 3 [transitive ] misssth to fail to understand sth 不理解;不懂 He completely missed the joke. 这个笑话他一点也没听懂。 You're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part)of what I'm saying. 你没明白我的意思。 not be/go somewhere 不在;不去 4 [transitive ] misssth to fail to be or go somewhere 不在;不去;错过 She hasn't missed a game all year. 她一年中一场比赛都没错过。 You missed a good party last night (= because you did not go). 你昨晚错过了一场愉快的聚会。 ‘Are you coming to the school play?’ ‘ I wouldn't miss it for the world. “你来看学生演戏吗?”“我说什么也不能错过呀。” not do sth 不做 5 [transitive ] misssth to fail to do sth 不做;错过 You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals)when you're in training. 你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。 to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game) 错过一轮比赛 6 [transitive ] miss(doing) sth to not take the opportunity to do sth 错过机会 The sale prices were too good to miss. 那次价格优惠真的不可错过。 It was an opportunity not to be missed. 机不可失,时不再来。 be late 迟到 7 [transitive ] misssth/sb | missdoing sth to be or arrive too late for sth 迟到;赶不上;错过 If I don't leave now I'll miss my plane. 现在不走我就赶不上飞机了。 Sorry I'm late—have I missed anything? 对不起,我来晚了。我错过什么了吗? ‘Is Ann there?’ ‘You've just missed her (= she has just left). “安在吗?”“她刚走。” feel sad 伤心 8 [transitive ] to feel sad because you can no longer see sb or do sth that you like 怀念;思念 misssb/sth She will be greatly missed when she leaves. 她走了以后,人们会非常思念她的。 What did you miss most when you were in France? 你在法国的时候最怀念的是什么? miss(sb/sth) doing sth I don't miss getting up at six every morning! 我才不想每天早上六点钟起床哩! notice sth not there 发觉某物不在 9 [transitive ] misssb/sth to notice that sb/sth is not where they/it should be 发觉丢失;发觉…不在原处 When did you first miss the necklace? 你最早发觉项链不见了是什么时候? We seem to be missing some students this morning. 今天早上我们好像有几位同学没到。 avoid sth bad 避开坏事 10 [transitive ] to avoid sth unpleasant 避开(不愉快的事) SYN escape misssth If you go now you should miss the crowds. 你如果现在走就可以避开人群。 missdoing sth He fell and just missed knocking the whole display over. 他摔了一跤,差一点把全部展品碰翻。 of engine 发动机 11 = misfire  (2 ) IDIOMS he, she, etc. doesn't miss a ˈtrick ( informal) used to say that sb notices every opportunity to gain an advantage 不失时机;很机敏 ˌmiss the ˈboat ( informal) to be unable to take advantage of sth because you are too late 错失良机 If you don't buy now, you may find that you've missed the boat. 你如果现在不买,你会错失良机的。 ˌmiss your ˈguess ( NAmE) ( informal) to make a mistake 做错;犯错 Unless I miss my guess , your computer needs a new hard drive. 我的判断没错的话,你的电脑需要更换一个新的硬盘驱动器。 more at heart , mark n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌmiss sb/sth↔ˈout ( BrE) to fail to include sb/sth in sth 不包括…在内;遗漏 SYN omit I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. 我要再看一遍这份表格,免得漏掉什么。 ˌmiss ˈout (on sth) to fail to benefit from sth useful or enjoyable by not taking part in it 错失获利(或取乐等)的机会 Of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun! 我当然要来,我可不想错失好玩的机会。 noun title/form of address 称谓 1 Miss used before the family name, or the first and family name, of a woman who is not married, in order to speak or write to her politely (用于未婚女子姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士 That's all, thank you, Miss Lipman. 就这些,谢谢,李普曼小姐。 compare Mrs , Ms 2 Miss a title given to the winner of a beauty contest in a particular country, town, etc. (选美比赛优胜者的头衔)小姐 Miss Brighton 布赖顿小姐 the Miss World contest 世界小姐选美比赛 3 Miss ( informal) used especially by men to address a young woman when they do not know her name (称呼不知姓名的年轻女子)小姐 Will that be all, Miss? 就这些吗,小姐? 4 Miss ( BrE) ( informal) used as a form of address by children in some schools to a woman teacher, whether she is married or not (学生对女教师的称呼) Good morning, Miss! 老师早! compare sir 5 ( old-fashioned) a girl or young woman 少女;年轻女子 not hit, catch, etc. 未击中;错过 6 a failure to hit, catch or reach sth 未击中;未得到;未到达;错过 He scored two goals and had another two near misses. 他攻进两球,另有两球也险些破门。 IDIOMS give sth a ˈmiss ( informal) ( especially BrE) to decide not to do sth, eat sth, etc. 不予理睬;不理会;决定不做 I think I'll give badminton a miss tonight. 我今晚不想打羽毛球了。 a ˌmiss is as ˌgood as a ˈmile ( saying) there is no real difference between only just failing in sth and failing in it badly because the result is still the same 错误再小也是错;功败垂成仍为败 miss / mɪs ; NAmE mɪs /
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