mismanagement 英 [ˌmɪs'mænɪdʒmənt]   美 [ˌmɪs'mænɪdʒmənt]


mismanagement  英 [ˌmɪs'mænɪdʒmənt] 美 [ˌmɪs'mænɪdʒmənt]

n. 管理不善;处置失当 


When GM emerges from bankruptcy, it will have shed some of its burdens, but the damage done by decades of mismanagement and union intransigence will still weigh heavily. 当通用从破产中重生,它将卸下一些负担,但是几十年来管理不善和美国汽车工人联盟不让步造成的伤害,仍然沉重。
"We are tired of living on the kindness of others…we first have to make corruption and the mismanagement of resources history in order that poverty becomes history," he said to applause. “我们已经厌倦了靠其他人的善良度日…我们首先必须使腐败和对资源的管理不善成为历史,从而才能使贫困成为历史。” 他的话引起了热烈的掌声。

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  • n. 管理不善;处置失当
  • 1. When GM emerges from bankruptcy, it will have shed some of its burdens, but the damage done by decades of mismanagement and union intransigence will still weigh heavily.


  • 2. "We are tired of living on the kindness of others…we first have to make corruption and the mismanagement of resources history in order that poverty becomes history," he said to applause.

    “我们已经厌倦了靠其他人的善良度日…我们首先必须使腐败和对资源的管理不善成为历史,从而才能使贫困成为历史。” 他的话引起了热烈的掌声。

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