miraculously [mi'rækjuləsli]  


miraculously  [mi'rækjuləsli]

adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地 

What about those problems, habits, and hurts you would like miraculously removed? 那些难题、习性和伤害呢,你想要他们奇迹般地消失吗?
And of course if something is not going well in your life you just have to think happy thoughts and everything will miraculously work out. 当然,假如你的生活中有些不如意的地方,你只需要想一些美好的回忆,那么事情就会奇迹般地得到解决。

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  • adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地
  • 1. What about those problems, habits, and hurts you would like miraculously removed?


  • 2. And of course if something is not going well in your life you just have to think happy thoughts and everything will miraculously work out.


  • 3. Let’s imagine that someone from the year 1970 miraculously traveled forward in time to today.


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