mind-numbing ['maindnʌmbiŋ]  


mind-numbing  ['maindnʌmbiŋ]

adj. 令人心烦意乱的;令人厌恶的;无法想象的 


No one can stand this mind-numbing and dehumanizing work. 没有人能够忍受这种麻木的非人般的工作。
Conversely auditors and accountants are considered mind-numbing jobs, but they're paid nicely. 相反的,审计员和会计被认为是令人心烦意乱的工作,但是他们的收入不错。

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  • adj. 令人心烦意乱的;令人厌恶的;无法想象的
  • 1. No one can stand this mind-numbing and dehumanizing work.


  • 2. Conversely auditors and accountants are considered mind-numbing jobs, but they're paid nicely.


ˈmind-numbing / ; NAmE / adjective very boring 非常乏味的;令人厌烦的 mind-numbing conversation 很无聊的谈话 mind-numbing·ly / ; NAmE / adverb The lecture was mind-numbingly tedious. 那堂课冗长乏味。 ˈmind-numbing / ; NAmE / mind-numbing·ly / ; NAmE /
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