mind-boggling 英 [ˈmaɪndˌbɔglɪŋ]   美 [ˈmaɪndˌbɑɡlɪŋ]


mind-boggling  英 [ˈmaɪndˌbɔglɪŋ] 美 [ˈmaɪndˌbɑɡlɪŋ]

adj. 令人难以置信的;令人惊异的 


We now gaze on a biological world of mind-boggling complexity that exposes the shortcomings of familiar, tidy concepts such as species, gene and organism. 现在,我们的目光落在生物世界令人难以置信的复杂性时,惯用的、整齐划一的概念,如物种、基因和有机体等的短处就暴露无遗。
The water exists as huge gaseous clouds that absorb and emit light, allowing powerful telescopes to detect them across the mind-boggling distances of space. 水以巨大的气态云团的形式存在,吸收并发出光线,让强大的望远镜可以穿过令人难以置信的空间距离检测到它们。

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  • adj. 令人难以置信的;令人惊异的
  • 1. We now gaze on a biological world of mind-boggling complexity that exposes the shortcomings of familiar, tidy concepts such as species, gene and organism.


  • 2. The water exists as huge gaseous clouds that absorb and emit light, allowing powerful telescopes to detect them across the mind-boggling distances of space.


  • 3. From bizarre butterfly spots to rainbow-colored lizards to adaptations that allow squirrelsand even snakes to "fly, " physical innovations in the natural world can be mind-boggling.

    从奇怪的蝴蝶斑纹到彩虹色的蜥蜴的改造 也让松鼠甚至蛇“飞翔”,自然界中的生理性创新可以说是令人难以置信的。

ˈmind-boggling / ; NAmE / adjective ( informal) very difficult to imagine or to understand; extremely surprising 难以想像的;难以理解的;令人惊愕的 a problem of mind-boggling complexity 复杂得难以想像的问题 compare boggle ˈmind-boggling / ; NAmE /
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