min   美 [mɪn]


min  美 [mɪn]

phrase. 分钟(minute) 


Events/min: Number of events per minute. 事件/分钟:每分钟的事件数量。
Back in 2007, I first started working on my personal goals at least 30 min/day, including my aspirations for my future. 回顾2007年,那时我刚开始为自己每天至少30分钟的目标努力,也为自己将来的志向努力。

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  • phrase. 分钟(minute)
  • 1. Events/min: Number of events per minute.


  • 2. Back in 2007, I first started working on my personal goals at least 30 min/day, including my aspirations for my future.


  • 3. At the top, the script runs a query that finds all the articles within a bounding square using the latitude and longitude and min/max constraints in the SELECT statement.

    在顶部,脚本在 SELECT 语句中执行一个查找某个限制范围内所有文章的查询,该限制范围使用经度和纬度以及最小/最大限制值。

Min / mɪn ; NAmE mɪn / noun [uncountable ] a form of Chinese spoken mainly in SE China 闽方言;福建话 Min / mɪn ; NAmE mɪn /
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