- A million is 1,000,000. It's a large number made of a thousand thousands. If you have a million dollars, you’re a millionaire!
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- n. 百万;
- adj. 百万的;
- num. 百万
1. a population of half a million
2. tens of millions of dollars
3. It must be worth a million (= pounds, dollars, etc.).
4. I still have a million things to do.
5. There were millions of people there.
- million (n.) late 14c., from Old French million (late 13c.), from Italian millione (now milione), literally "a great thousand," augmentative of mille "thousand," from Latin mille, which is of uncertain origin. Used mainly by mathematicians until 16c. India, with its love of large numbers, had names before 3c. for numbers well beyond a billion. The ancient Greeks had no name for a number greater than ten thousand, the Romans for none higher than a hundred thousand. "A million" in Latin would have been decies centena milia, literally "ten hundred thousand." Million to one as a type of "long odds" is attested from 1761. Related: Millions.
mil·lion ★ / ˈmɪljən ; NAmE ˈmɪljən / number ( plural verb 复数动词 ) 1 ★ ( abbr.m ) 1 000 000 一百万 ◆ a population of half a million 五十万人口 ◆ tens of millions of dollars 数千万元 ◆ It must be worth a million (= pounds, dollars, etc.). 它一定值一百万。 HELP You say a, one, two, several, etc. millionwithout a final ‘s’ on ‘million’. Millions (of…)can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with millionor millions,except when an amount of money is mentioned. *million 前有 a、one、two、several 等词时,million 后面不加 s。若前面没有数目或数量,可用 millions (of...)。million 和 millions 均用复数动词,指金额时除外: ◆ Four million (people) were affected. ◆ Two million (pounds) was withdrawn from the account. 2 ★ a million or millions (of…) ( informal) a very large amount 大量 ◆ I still have a million things to do. 我还有很多很多的事情要做。 ◆ There were millions of people there. 那里人山人海。 ◆ He madehis millions (= all his money)on currency deals. 他的万贯家财都是通过外汇交易得到的。 HELP There are more examples of how to use numbers at the entry for hundred. 更多数词用法示例见 hundred 条。 IDIOMS look/feel like a million ˈdollars/ˈbucks ( informal) to look/feel extremely good 看上去╱感觉好极了 one, etc. in a ˈmillion a person or thing that is very unusual or special 万里挑一的人(或物);不同寻常的人(或物) ◆ He's a man in a million. 他是个出类拔萃的人物。 million millions mil·lion / ˈmɪljən ; NAmE ˈmɪljən /
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