mill around  

mill around

mill around 

phrase. 成群地无目的乱转 

The normal behavior of the crowd is to mill around, make noise, and go nowhere. 大众的正常行为是左右摇摆,制造噪音,哪里都没去成。
A few bored policemen mill around outside a building the size of an aircraft hangar, outside which bobs a large balloon with the WWF panda on it. 几个闲荡的警察在一座飞机库大小的楼房周围晃悠着,楼房的周围飘着一个巨大的热气球,气球上画着世界野生动物基金的熊猫图案。

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  • phrase. 成群地无目的乱转
  • 1. The normal behavior of the crowd is to mill around, make noise, and go nowhere.


  • 2. A few bored policemen mill around outside a building the size of an aircraft hangar, outside which bobs a large balloon with the WWF panda on it.


  • 3. But most continue to mill around on the desert road, waiting — it seems — for the party that follows the action.

    但是大多数仍然左右摇摆的沙漠公路上,等待- 为党后面的行动- 它似乎。

ˌmill aˈround
(BrE alsoˌmill aˈbout)(especially of a large group of people尤指一大群人)to move around an area without seeming to be going anywhere in particular闲逛;转悠Fans were milling around outside the hotel.追星族在酒店外徘徊。
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