midsection 英 ['mɪd,sekʃ(ə)n]   美 ['mɪd,sɛkʃən]


midsection  英 ['mɪd,sekʃ(ə)n] 美 ['mɪd,sɛkʃən]

n. 上腹部;中央部分;胴体 


If you're fighting the battle of the bulge, most of your attention — and frustration — is probably aimed at your midsection. 如果你正在同脂肪进行着一场艰苦卓绝的斗争,你的注意力大多会聚焦于你的腹部,因为腹部堆积的脂肪也许是最让你头疼的。
This deep fat pads internal organs and can accumulate in your midsection, ultimately increasing the risk of other diseases, such as diabetes. 这种脂肪将塞满你的内脏器官,在上腹部聚集,最终增加患其他疾病的风险,比如说糖尿病。

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  • n. 上腹部;中央部分;胴体
  • 1. If you're fighting the battle of the bulge, most of your attention — and frustration — is probably aimed at your midsection.


  • 2. This deep fat pads internal organs and can accumulate in your midsection, ultimately increasing the risk of other diseases, such as diabetes.


  • 3. The first section moved slowly. The long midsection rolled along at a brisk 11 km/h - and deposited passengers onto a final deceleration section in readiness for their return to terra firma.


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