merry 英 [ˈmeri]   美 [ˈmɛri]


merry  英 [ˈmeri] 美 [ˈmɛri]

adj. 愉快的 

比较级:merrier  最高级:merriest 

a merry grin 愉快的笑
‘Can I bring a friend to your party?’ ‘Sure—the more the merrier!’ “我能带个朋友来你的聚会吗?”“当然,人越多越好玩嘛!”

  • To be merry is to be happy, especially in a fun, festive way. Parties and celebrations are merry, and so are the fun people who attend them. This old fashioned word for “happy” is popular in December when people say, “Merry Christmas.”
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  • adj. 愉快的
  • 1. a merry grin


  • 2. ‘Can I bring a friend to your party?’ ‘Sure—the more the merrier!’


  • merry (adj.) Old English myrge "pleasing, agreeable, pleasant, sweet; pleasantly, melodiously," from Proto-Germanic *murgijaz, which probably originally meant "short-lasting," (compare Old High German murg "short," Gothic gamaurgjan "to shorten"), from PIE root *mregh-u- "short." The only exact cognate for meaning outside English was Middle Dutch mergelijc "joyful."
merry / ˈmeri ; NAmE ˈmeri / adjective ( mer·rier , mer·ri·est ) 1 happy and cheerful 愉快的;高兴的 SYN cheery a merry grin 愉快的笑 2 Merry Christmas used at Christmas to say that you hope that sb has an enjoyable holiday (圣诞节祝贺语)圣诞快乐 3 ( informal) ( especially BrE) slightly drunk 微醺 SYN tipsy IDIOMS make ˈmerry ( old-fashioned) to enjoy yourself by singing, laughing, drinking, etc. 行乐;宴乐 the ˌmore the ˈmerrier ( saying) the more people or things there are, the better the situation will be or the more fun people will have 人越多越好玩;(东西)多多益善,越多越好 ‘Can I bring a friend to your party?’ ‘Sure—the more the merrier!’ “我能带个朋友来你的聚会吗?”“当然,人越多越好玩嘛!” more at eat , hell , lead 1 v. merry merrier merriest merry / ˈmeri ; NAmE ˈmeri /
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