merlot 英 ['mɜ:lɒt]   美 [mɝ'lo]


merlot  英 ['mɜ:lɒt] 美 [mɝ'lo]

n. 梅乐,梅鹿汁(红葡萄酒名) 


For wine, stick with the darker reds (merlot, cabernet sauvignon) for their high antioxidant content. 如果是葡萄酒,应该选择深色的红酒(梅乐、赤霞珠),因为它们的抗氧化成分含量更高。
The change in life path came one evening on the yacht whilst philosophizing with a friend over a glass of merlot. 人生道路发生改变是在一个晚上,当时正在游艇上和一位朋友边喝着梅乐(注:一种红葡萄酒的品牌)边谈论哲学问题。

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  • n. 梅乐,梅鹿汁(红葡萄酒名)
  • 1. For wine, stick with the darker reds (merlot, cabernet sauvignon) for their high antioxidant content.


  • 2. The change in life path came one evening on the yacht whilst philosophizing with a friend over a glass of merlot.


  • 3. My wife and I scramble to keep up with him as he shows us around the vertiginous terraces now planted with merlot and cabernet sauvignon vines.


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